Important Moments in Things Fall Apart

The Missionaries arrive In Abame and mass murdered the villagers by shooting them down. This was an important scene to be noted in the novel because the Britishers claim to be peaceful and God loving, therefore, it would be least expected that they go and bring down a whole village. This incident reveals the Britishers’ true nature and their immense power that they would use (weaponry) when they are stopped from getting what they want.

When Ikemefuna got killed by Okonkwo, the scene characterizes Okonkwo’s personality itself. Although he did seem fond of the boy, he was not hesitant to kill him (he didn’t have to) when the time arrived, suggesting that he’s prepared to do anything. Later on, he was restless following the killing. Okonkwo’s mind set could be claimed to be complex as he is burdened by the nature of his “bold” and strong character, which he tries to maintain in fronat of everyone, so that he’s no seen like his failed father. But on the other hand, the pain and humanity was brought back soon when he starts to reflect on his doing, suggesting that he is also indeed a human and does get traumatized or bothered with such incidents.

Mr. Brown and Akunna talk about each other’s religions and therefore, have a diverse cultural talk, exchanging a deeper understanding of their religions. Providing a historical outlook, the men were able to derive information and form a sort of understanding and an optimistic connection. I believe this scene is important because it shows how the villagers and the Britishers both attempted to comprehend the other’s customs and practices since this would help prevent a lot of arguments and chaos because you’re having a talk which clears any confusion or misunderstandings.


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